Broad Personalization
Portfolios are built according to each investor’s risk comfort level and investing objectives, including wealth accumulation, income generation, or management of tax consequences.
Flexible Investment Options
CLS portfolio managers analyze the 13,000+ investment products available today to find the right individual stocks, individual bonds, and ETFs for each portfolio. This allows us to pursue different opportunities during changing market conditions.
Existing or New Investments
Existing stocks can be transferred into a CLS Separate Accounts portfolio to potentially defer capital gains taxes over time.
Finding an Optimal Mix of Investments
CLS Separate Accounts portfolios utilize ETFs, individual stocks, individual bonds, or some combination of the three.
In a very broad sense, the role of stocks in a portfolio is to provide long-term growth potential, and the role of bonds is to provide an income stream, as well as to add diversification and correlation benefits to stocks. Individual stocks and bonds allow us to be more precise with holdings and target very specific investments that fit individual investment criteria.
ETFs are also an important component to each Separate Accounts portfolio primarily because they allow us to achieve broad diversification within specific sectors or areas of the world at a relatively low cost.
Finding the appropriate mix of investments for an individual portfolio requires important considerations including liquidity needs, expenses, diversification, taxes, and capital preservation, just to name a few. We offer investors the flexibility to customize their investments to best suit their unique objectives and requirements.
Explore Our Separate Accounts Investing Solutions
Portfolios are focused on total return, meaning growth of value through interest, capital gains, and dividends proportionate to the investor’s risk tolerance.
Portfolios seek consistent, reliable distributions from a variety of traditional and non-traditional income-producing assets.
Portfolios seek capital appreciation while keeping annual net taxable gains low.